
Measuring battery consumption

In an rich ecosystem with millions of applications whose two-thirds of the source code consists in calls to external libraries, it is important to monitor their functioning, to be able to choose the most efficient: we1 propose to compare libraries among the most used by developers.

We developed scripts to automate test scenarios, and used both software and hardware solutions to measure consumption of an Android smartphone with different libraries. The idea here is to check for a given feature (e.g. advertising) which library is the best from an energy consumption perspective.

More information can be found on the second part of my master’s thesis report2.

master thesis report screenshot

  1. Spirals is a joint project-team between Inria and University of Lille (within CRIStAL lab) which focuses on software engineering issues, self-adaptive systems, privacy protection and energy consumption optimization. 

  2. Master thesis report GitHub link