Mar. 12th (3h): Welcomed high school students from Lycée Marguerite de Flandre (Gondecourt) to Interface (Inria’s showcase room) to tell them about my research career and present the life of a computer science researcher at Inria (slides here [french], energy consumption quiz here [french]).
Jun. 11th (2h): Welcomed high school students doing an internship at CRIStAL to Interface (Inria’s showcase room) to tell them about my research career and present the life of a computer science researcher at Inria (French slides here).
Feb. 15th (4h): Welcomed students from ISEFAC communication school to Interface (Inria’s showcase room) to tell them about my research career and present the life of a computer science researcher at Inria (French slides here).
Jun. 21st (4h): Participation to an academic forum to tell high school teachers about what can be done with their students and computer science labs of the university.
Oct. 26th-27th (10h): Welcomed high school girls in the lab during two days to make them work on little scientific projects (French webpage here).
Nov. 17th (3h): Welcomed secondary school pupils to Interface (Inria’s showcase room) to tell them about my research career and computer science in general.
Dec. 6th (1h): Welcomed secondary school pupils to Interface (Inria’s showcase room) to tell them about my research career and computer science in general.